Monday, August 31, 2009

Randi comments on Power88 interview

Following is a comment received from Randi in Florida who heard an interview I did with Mike Callahan at Boston radio station Power 88 this week. If you’d like to hear it – or a remarkable interview Mike Stewart did in Chicago back in 1965, the URL connection to his website is:
Jerry, I was saddened to hear about your loss of Mike Stewart. The interview was wonderful! It was a pleasure hearing about the history of the We Five "up to the minute", and to hear that a book is in the works!

Your version of Walk on By, played at the end, is one of the best I've heard.

P.S. - Just wanted to say that, while You Were On My Mind may be considered to be the showcase number from that first album, ALL of the songs were so good that the entire album remained one of my favorites throughout the years. In the "old days of music purchasing", I'd often buy an album and only find two or three songs that were "grabbers". The only other album I can think of that was a pleasure throughout and has withstood the Randi Meyer Test of Time is Fleetwood Mac's Rumors. Thanks for forging ahead in a challenging industry!***Randi


Refer said...

Hi Jerry, I listened to the interviews — nice. Mike made me small when he talks about bossa nova and classical Villa-Lobos music.

Best whishes,

René Ferri(Sao Paulo-Brazil)

Refer said...

Sorry, I must said